Sunday, May 31, 2009

Week 3

Week three was all about the floors. They are red oak hardwood, the same as the rest of the house.

The floor guys were here on four consecutive days. The first day was installation and the next three were to apply the various four coats of stain and varnish.

Next week is all about the walls.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Floor Progress


Yes, it looks very nice. I stopped by late this morning on my way in — the floor was all installed and they had just finished sanding. I will check with them tomorrow as to finish up day.

Phyllis was painting away today….

Everything is turning out very nice. I can’t wait to see how the painting looks!


From: Matthew Piette []
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 1:05 PM
To: Jill Doss
Subject: Floors


The floors look great. They left a note saying that they will be back for the final coat on either Friday or Saturday.

Friday would be better, of course...


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Note on Switch Order


FYI, I have confirmed with the electrician on the layout of the switches on the archway leading into the family room. The first switch will control the main recessed lights, the second will control the bookcase recessed lights, and the third will control the lights to the niche above the sofa. A drew a picture of the layout and faxed it over to the electrician, they have confirmed it is in their work file. Keep your fingers crossed, this should be what you get!


Today's Update


Hope you had a good holiday weekend.

The schedule for this week:

Phyllis will be finishing up the trim painting today, Tuesday. She will continue painting the cabinet doors and shelves at our facility this week.

I have reconfirmed the flooring installation for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. A payment of $3739.00 will be due Friday, the 1st (15%).

Phyllis will return next week Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to finish up all walls and ceiling. Greg will be back this week and construct the shelves for the TV unit. Phyllis will be able to paint those this week, also. I am rethinking the paint color for the interior of the TV cabinet. Rather than just a stark black, I think a charcoal will be better. Let me know your thought.

I will leave next week Thursday open for the paint to finish drying. The HVAC contractor will come back on Friday, June 5th to reinstall the baseboard heaters.

The electrician will return for finish on Monday, June 8th. Final contract payment of $2493.37 (10%) is due at this time, plus the final amount from the change orders.

Let me know if you have any questions!



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Week 3 pictures

Week three had all the old wallpaper removed, the new trim installed, and everything primed with the first coat of paint on the woodwork.

The color of the wood is the lighter of the two colors that will make up the ceiling.

We're looking at about two more weeks until completion.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Good News on Floors


Dimensions of all the electronic equipment was noted. Everything should fit. The size of the sliding mechanism was taken into account and the size of the future Blue Ray disc player. The will be very little space remaining (about 1 ½” to 2” at the most).

The flooring installer was able to move us up in his schedule. He is coming out this week to do a visual, and will be starting next week the 27th, 28th, and 29th. I have advised Phyllis of the change in flooring installation so she can plan to work around him if she is not finished by next week Wednesday.

We will wait until after the flooring is installed to do the finish electrical, reinstallation of heating units, floor trim boards, etc. Greg is on vacation in Mexico the week of the flooring installation. He will construct and install the TV components when he returns. The sliding gizmo will not be here until next week, so he won’t be able to make it before he goes on vacation.

I think that is all for now.



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sliding Shelf

We had originally discussed a sliding shelf so that we could easily pull out the TV and turn it towards us.

Jill was having some trouble locating one that would work, but was ultimately successful. We're going ahead with it and the wall that she mentions.


I have located a mechanism with ¾ extension slides and a swivel base that will fit in the cabinet, a shelf needs be constructed to fit on top of the swivel. The entire mechanism would then be installed into place. The TV shelf would need to be fixed in place (not adjustable). Here is a thought—If we are going to create a specialty shelf for the TV, would you like one for the DVD/Cable boxes underneath? (This way you do not need to push the TV in to insert a DVD into the player). I have measured, there is enough room so that the two units can be placed side by side under the TV and there is also enough height to accommodate the shelving. The price for materials and labor to construct and install the two units would be $346.12. Let me know if this is a go and I will get materials on order.

I spoke to Phyllis—she wanted for me to pass along to you that the one kitchen wall we have discussed having specialty painted was not part of her original proposal. This area will be $385.00, materials and labor. Let me know if this is okay, she needs to get additional plaster and glaze.

The slight bit of touch up needed on the dormer has been finished.


P.S. Your right, the moldings look great and the TV cabinet really finishes the area off nicely.


Gaps by walls

I think we're okay with these gaps. We hadn't noticed them in 16 years and will be covered by books.

From: Jill Doss []
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 10:39 AM
To: 'Matthew Piette'
Subject: RE: Touch up


We noticed yesterday that, now that the layers of wallpaper, etc. are off the walls in the bookcase area, that the uprights of the bookcase are not flush to the back wall (walls out of plumb, plaster not perfectly smooth, cabinet sides not scribed to match the curvature of the wall when originally installed, etc.). Will this be an issue for you and Laurie to see this shadow line, or will your books cover this up to the point you won’t even notice? This gap is too large for caulk to cover/fill. The ultimate solution, if this is bothersome to you, is to clad the back of the bookcase walls with ½” MDF or plywood. Or, we could simply leave “as is” and just paint out the backs as originally planned. (If we clad the backs, you will lose some depth to your bookshelves). Let me know your thoughts….

Ray will swing by to take a look at the paint on the trim.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Desk & Router

Yesterday we went to look at desks at Crate & Barrel. We found one that we liked and ordered it. We still need a chair.

Today I got a wireless router from Tiger Direct. That will probably arrive tomorrow. I’ll hook it up in the basement.

Week 2 Pictures

Here are the pictures after week 2.

An update

Wow! I am surprised by your choices. I think all colors and textures are great but thought you would go with the lighter color and smaller texture, I guess I was wrong. I have forwarded a copy of your e-mail to Phyllis so she knows exactly what you are wanting to have done. Certainly the color of the one wall, and the texture of the other can be combined.

Phyllis, who is working at the house today, needs to take the color boards with her to show at a customer’s house this weekend. She will bring them back on Monday, so you can further review an finalize your choices. As discussed, Phyllis will continue work all next week.

We planned on the arch color to match the family room color, visually expanding the space into the kitchen.

Dormer molding:

The piece that came off from upstairs should be on your front porch, behind some extra pieces of the cement shakes. It was saved because the profile on the molding is unique. We have investigated into replacement. We can find nothing that matches. Barring replacing all the molding, so everything matches, we are going to firmly reinstall the original piece, caulk and paint. Piecing should not be noticeable. This work will be done on Monday or Tuesday. Ray knows this work needs to be done prior to the awning being installed on Thursday. We will use our tall ladder to get back up there. We thought you would like to have your porch back, so the scaffolding was removed.

Some other updates:

Electrical work on phone was canceled. Service on the wall has been terminated. Phone jack in family room has made been operational. This box can contain a phone line, and an additional jack for the computer.

New subpanel is installed on finish. I will check on the outlet question.

French door: Ray double checking on screen placement to see if he can find out thought process as to why it is where it is.

Have a good weekend. See you Monday!



From: Matthew Piette []
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 7:58 AM
To: Jill Doss
Subject: walls


We are tentatively looking at the rough texture for the ceiling with that color. For the walls we like the medium texture with the color of the rough texture.

Please let us know your and Phyllis's thoughts on these selections. You're the experts.

There is an existing outlet to the right of the patio door that it looks like the electrician was planning on keeping. I would like that outlet replaced to match all the new ones.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12th Update from Jill


I will make adjustment to the work order to include the downstairs cable work, thank you.

Work on the upper part of the south wall is complete, new siding, prime, paint and caulk, all done.

We will return tomorrow to start up again on the interior work, dry wall patching, etc.

We will put up a tarp between the family room and the kitchen to help hold the dust down (sorry about that!)

I just left a message for Phyllis to see if we can reschedule our Thursday meeting from 4:00 to 4:45. I would suspect it will not be a problem.

Waiting for arrival for the shakes for upstairs dormer so we can finish that up on Wednesday or Thursday and get the scaffolding out of your way

I left a message for Ray to give you a call about the functionality of the patio door.

Exterior wrapping of the trim with Aluminum is scheduled for next week Tuesday.

I think all for now…See you Thursday. I am excited to see what Phyllis has come up with on her color boards!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Two More Messages for Week 2

Okay Matt:

One more thing, as you can see, we ran short on the shakes for the upstairs. We are not getting our delivery of the balance of the materials until Wednesday….Can you please call the canopy people and reschedule them for next week Thursday or Friday? As we will not have that last part of the peak done before the Wednesday installation. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Ray would like the screen door left off until all the work is done, as we do not want drips of paint or mud from the joint compound to embed itself in the screening. He will take care of putting it in place. He feels confident that the door was made properly.

Phyllis and I could come by on Thursday at 4:00 so you can look at the paint boards and give your approval. Let me know that this works for you.

Schedule this week: Electrical Monday and Tuesday

Inspection on Wednesday

Patching on Thursday along with finish up of outside work

Begin painting work on Friday

Next week: Wallpaper removal, priming painting, etc……This will take all week



From: Jill Doss []
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:46 PM
To: 'Matthew Piette'
Subject: FW: Work for tomorrow, 5.7.09


The electricians will be back tomorrow. Could you please mark on the West wall in the bar in basement, where you would like the cable (ideally) placed? They can then determine what work may be needed to provide service to that area.

Also, the three switch box (to control the recessed lights) will need to be moved to a location directly below the phone. The wall immediately to the left, as you walk into the family room, has a large, brick support directly behind the wall, which prohibited installation of the box at the location we had originally planned on. Switches need to be within a certain amount of a doorway so they can be turned on easily when entering the room. Placing the switch under the small niche area (where we would have finally had room) would have been over too far for code.

We are able to install the outlet over to the right, and above the heat registers, along the desk wall

As discussed, the one 6” recessed light will be moved over to be centered above the desk area.

Also, your phone jack on the kitchen doorway was found to be on its’ last legs (discovered when installing the new switch box below). I gave the electricians the go-ahead to replace it. Hope that is okay.

All for now…..


Some Electrical Details


I have referred the question regarding the screen to Ray, when I was at the house this morning I could not figure it out either.

An update on decision made about the electrical

Recessed lights:

(3) 4” recessed lights will be placed in front of each bookcase (not in the TV area, however), about 12” out, I am recommending “eyeball” covers on these so that the light can be directed towards the bookshelves with these lights on their own switch (would you like these on dimmers? Right now I am just specifying switches, let me know….)

(4) 6” recessed lights placed in a grid formation, centered with the window and patio door about 36” in from the walls to provide overall light to the rest of the room, currently on a single switch, let me know if you would prefer a dimmer….

The switch that currently controls the light in the niche will be moved over to be in the same box as the switches for the recessed light, that way they will all be lined up together…These will be installed on the wall immediately to your left as you come into the family room. A recessed light in the niche is not possible because of the framing. I suggested “puck” lights in this area (small, round lights). A light valance could be installed to drop down and cover the fixtures.

A quad outlet, with a surge suppressor built in, will be installed where the single outlet is currently located (where you desk will be placed). I would like to have an additional outlet installed on this wall to the far right, and also another installed behind the sofa wall. My electrician is verifying if code will allow these to be installed over the heating units. If we cannot, I would then like to have an additional outlet installed close to the desk outlet (the new radiators will be installed to the right of the outlet). If code does not allow, we will have to forgo the new outlet by the sofa.

I have also requested that the electrician install another phone jack on the desk wall (I am assuming that is what you meant about my thoughts on power for the telephone?) Would you like the jack installed down near the floor to be in line with the other outlets, or placed higher on the wall to be desk height? Let me know….

I will mention your request for a cable hookup downstairs to the electrician. I will be back at your house later on this afternoon to see how things are going….


Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Note From Jill


I will be meeting with the electricians on Monday at 9:00 to start the electrical portion of the project. I will review your requests for some extra work with them at that time. I am not sure if we can put lighting into the shadow box. That area used to be a window and there is probably framing above it. I will discuss with electrician and we can see what can be done. We will take a look at everything on Monday. I may give you a call while I am there to discuss further.

I will let Greg know that we are not moving forward on the wall shelf (I think the idea of the window is a wonderful thought)

Dumpster should be gone, door and window installed. Great progress for the first week!

Have a great weekend


Friday, May 8, 2009

Week 1 Photos

Here's our week one progress. It always goes so fast at the start.

Click on the slide show to go to this album.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Note On Cable and Other Stuff


I just left your house. The electrician needs to run the cable service into the house from the outside supply (the wiring downstairs does not have anything to hook up to currently). The service will be split from the outside cable and into the house just to the right of the patio door, down near the ground, where you have electrical service running into the house. They will be drilling a hole through the foundation (will be patched when done) and into the basement and then connected to the wiring that drops down from the dining room. Everything should be up and running when you get home tonight.

There will be a separate company coming out next Tuesday to wrap the windows and door with aluminum cladding (exterior).

Also, in preparation for tomorrow’s window and door delivery, the remaining furniture in the family room will need to be moved out (desk, coffee table, TV and stand, sofa, etc.) so the guys have room to work.

A lock box is now in place on the side door.

Let me know if you have any questions!



P.S. Any thoughts on the bookshelf above the desk? I mentioned this as a possibility to Greg, he wanted to make sure he would set aside time, off site, to construct it.


Artisan K&B started our project yesterday. The first two days will be doing some outside repair, and the inside work starts tomorrow.

Yestarday Jill stopped by with Phyllis, who is handling the plaster and paint work. Phyllis had a lot of samples of different textures, than made us matriculate a very difficult quiz to determine our personal "color pallet."

She took a whole mess of different color chips and flipped them over, making us say "yes," "no," or "maybe." After we went through that several times, she eliminated the "maybe" option. We settled on some colors and she's going to make up some samples of the ceiling and wall plaster for us to review.

It was a worthwhile exercise. Phyllis had a lot of great ideas on how to use the texture and colors to accent various features of the house. We should have had her for the kitchen!

Today Jill is meeting with the electrician to hook up a cable connection in the dining room that was not hooked up in the kitchen project was done so that we can have internet and TV access.