Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gaps by walls

I think we're okay with these gaps. We hadn't noticed them in 16 years and will be covered by books.

From: Jill Doss []
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 10:39 AM
To: 'Matthew Piette'
Subject: RE: Touch up


We noticed yesterday that, now that the layers of wallpaper, etc. are off the walls in the bookcase area, that the uprights of the bookcase are not flush to the back wall (walls out of plumb, plaster not perfectly smooth, cabinet sides not scribed to match the curvature of the wall when originally installed, etc.). Will this be an issue for you and Laurie to see this shadow line, or will your books cover this up to the point you won’t even notice? This gap is too large for caulk to cover/fill. The ultimate solution, if this is bothersome to you, is to clad the back of the bookcase walls with ½” MDF or plywood. Or, we could simply leave “as is” and just paint out the backs as originally planned. (If we clad the backs, you will lose some depth to your bookshelves). Let me know your thoughts….

Ray will swing by to take a look at the paint on the trim.


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