Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Artisan K&B started our project yesterday. The first two days will be doing some outside repair, and the inside work starts tomorrow.

Yestarday Jill stopped by with Phyllis, who is handling the plaster and paint work. Phyllis had a lot of samples of different textures, than made us matriculate a very difficult quiz to determine our personal "color pallet."

She took a whole mess of different color chips and flipped them over, making us say "yes," "no," or "maybe." After we went through that several times, she eliminated the "maybe" option. We settled on some colors and she's going to make up some samples of the ceiling and wall plaster for us to review.

It was a worthwhile exercise. Phyllis had a lot of great ideas on how to use the texture and colors to accent various features of the house. We should have had her for the kitchen!

Today Jill is meeting with the electrician to hook up a cable connection in the dining room that was not hooked up in the kitchen project was done so that we can have internet and TV access.

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